You can contact our Practice
- 01420 544408
- 7808 641713
- Watercress Dental and Implant Clinic
- Watercressdentalalton
- Watercress Dental Clinic
To enquire and make an appointment please ring the Practice during the opening hours, alternatively you can e-mail us to tell us about your queries, we will then contact you to arrange an appointment. All appointment changes, appointment requests and cancellations need to be directed to our Reception Team by telephone on 01420 544408
New Patient
Typically, a new patient consultation will last about 30 min, your oral health check will include an examination of Teeth, Gum, Soft Tissue (e.g. cheeks, tongue, lips) and joints. Please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to your appointment to fill the medical questionnaire required. Alternatively, you could download your questionnaire from the here.
Failed appointments
If you are not able to keep your appointment, please call us on 01420544408 giving us at least 24 hours’ notice. Please note that a Failure to Attend appointment or less than 24 hours cancellation may be charged, appointments will incur a minimum charge of £50.00 of the fee of Dental Treatment to cover the unutilized clinical time, and it will not be possible for you to make any further appointments or receive further treatment until the account balance has been settled. The only difference to the statement above would be for a Hygiene appointment, where a standard ‘Failed to Attend’ fee would be that of £25.00
Clinical time is of upmost importance to our practice to firstly deliver a high standard of care to patients and secondly be able to offer help and aid those emergencies on a daily basis for a great service to all patients.
Thank you for your co-operation and understanding.
Watercress Dental & Implant Clinic
1 The Windmills, St Mary’s Close
Alton GU34 1EF
Phone: +44 01420 544408
Fax: +44 01420 544014
Please note that cancellations will not accepted via e-mail
Please feel free to contact us for any enquiries you may have. We will be happy to answer you as soon as possible.
Fill the form below and send it.